Announcement on taking of legal action against persons committing instigations in various forms to stage CDM

26 February, 2021

Civil servants are the persons assigned to a certain position at any department approved and established by the State and they are also enjoying the salaries and allowances from the State budget. Hence, all the civil servants must abide by the rules and observe the codes of conduct without fail for serving the interests of the State and the people. Moreover, despite the existence of any kind of and provocations and coercions, they must dutifully and faithfully serve their duties under any government.

At present, some civil servants failed to serve the duties of the State due to hindrances, disturbances, instigations, pressures, intimidations, and evil acts that are harmful to individual rights and freedom and injurious to human value and dignity committed by some aggressive persons with the intention of destroying the government machinery. It is found that of them, the majority are taking part without their wish as they are unable to repulse the threats and pressures.

The State Administration Council has set up and assigned administration bodies from region/state to village levels for ensuring community peace and the rule of law. But the mobs that are against peace and stability are imposing pressure on or even threatening the life of the respective administrators, staging unruly protests, tearing down the signboards of the administrators’ offices, and preventing those administrators from going to their work. It is found that those mobs are brazenly committing the lawless acts with confrontation form that may harm the government’s administrative machinery in an aggressive way.

The above-mentioned lawless acts are punishable by the following provisions of the penal code.

-        Section 189 of Penal Code: A two-year imprisonment for interrupting or threatening a public servant from discharging his/her duty.

-        Section 124 (d) of Penal Code:  A seven-year imprisonment for interrupting or preventing government official and staff from discharging his/her duty.

-        Section 505 (a) of Penal Code: A two-year imprisonment for spoiling the enthusiasm, discipline, health and ethics of government service personnel or officer.

The section 144 imposed by the State Administration Council on 1 February 2021 was still effective on 26 February, and the Council had already showed tolerance in monitoring the situation and had issued requests and warnings time and again during the period. In view of protecting the interests of the State and the socio-economy of the public, the Council will have to inevitably take effective action against those who violate any one of the above mentioned sections. 

Information Team

State Administration Council


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