Republic of the Union of Myanmar Office of the Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Statement on Ceasefire and Eternal Peace (Fullmoon Day of Tabodwe, 1382 ME) (26 February, 2021)


1.       The Tatmadaw established the State Administration Council adopted the five future work programmes and nine objectives and since then the Council has been striving with might and main for the development of the multiple sectors including the political, economic and social sectors of the State.

2.       As the successful restoration of eternal peace is a must to do work programme, the Peace Talks Committee of the Tatmadaw has already been set up to resume the peace talks soonest with the ethnic armed organizations (EAOs) that have already signed the Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement (NCA) and the EAOs that have not signed the NCA yet and are still in the process of holding talks.

 3.      To enable the Peace Talks Committee of the Tatmadaw to further strength peace with EAOs that have already signed the NCA through talks, to hold talks with the EAOs that have not signed the NCA yet in encouraging them to become signatories, to continue the necessary dialogue till the eternal peace can be restored and to facilitate the COVID-19 pandemic prevention, containment and treatment undertakings, the Tatmadaw will cease all its military operations in the entire nation except in State defence and administrative measures during the period from 1 to 31 March 2021.

4.       All organizations and persons who have a role in the peace process must exert collective efforts to make more effective use of the period the Tatmadaw has halted all military operations to restore eternal peace through continued discussions to fulfill the wishes of the entire country, which are, a peaceful and prosper Union, socio-economic development and the correct path to democracy.

Office of the Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services


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